Sunday, October 18, 2009

Character Development: Wicked Lovely Series

Another character, another reason for you to laugh at me!

This character is the silly side of me. The more bouncy, happy side exaggerated into a character for a dark world. The Wicked Lovely Series is one of my favourite series to read. Once again, the series is not finished so I haven’t decided what happens to her, but I would like a happy ending to break up the darkness that circles the story.

***Spoiler Alert***

Name: Tara
Glamour/Speciality when she becomes a fey: Her glamour includes black clothing, lots of piercings and ink. When she becomes fey her black clothing turns multicoloured (picture shows transformation from glamour to fey). Her speciality is her vine tattoo being able to move and extend out in shadows binding people until she stops moving/dancing.
Personality: bubbly, optimistic person. She’s sarcastically cheesy towards Rabbit because she knows he gets annoyed and embarrassed. She becomes very serious around Irial because of the respect she holds for him, but is always secretly intimidated by him.
Court: Dark Court
Fear: Irial
Ink: Black vines on arms that move according to her heartbeat. Love heart on breast which is the Ink Exchange that binds her to Rabbit and makes her part fey.
Lover: Rabbit/Bunny Boy
Story: In Wicked Lovely, she gets a part time job at Pins and Needles where she falls in love with Rabbit. Because Rabbit also loves her, he keeps her involved in his secret life as a faerie. She asks to become a faerie so she can live in his world, but to also have the sight so she feels safer around Rabbits family and friends.
In Ink Exchange, Rabbit agrees to give her the heart on her breast in order to make her accepted into the Dark Court. Her story is a happier one so far because unlike Leslie, the Ink Exchange worked for her. Perhaps in a way because Tara was stronger in her love towards Rabbit, but more because she knew more about the exchange than Leslie did.

Wickedly yours,

Jinx xx

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